Refinance Loans

So you want to save money? Good for you! This is the primary reason for switching, along with greater flexibility and accessing equity if your property has increased in value. However if you are only chasing a lower rate, you need to be sure refinancing will benefit you in the long term. Carefully consider all the costs involved (yes, even the monthly service fees!) and take care if extending your loan term back to the original 30 years. In addition loan features and the way you use your loan can also have a massive impact on your progress. You might find your loan has restrictions, and may be unable to operate it how you would like or incur fees for doing so. This could be because the loan was never the right fit, or your circumstances have changed. If you are concerned you are not getting the most out of your mortgage, tell us about it, we will investigate your loan and advise you how to best use it, or look into other options for you.

Consolidation Loans

Looking for an opportunity to improve the financial cash flow in your household? In addition to a mortgage many people have credit cards or car loans. These other debts are often at an interest rates 3-4 x greater than your home loan rate, by consolidating at the lower rate this can help to put a significant amount of cash back in your pocket. Sound great? Well why doesn’t everyone do it? Depending on the value of your property and the amount required to cover all debts, there may be some restrictions. Even if there is not enough equity for a full consolidation, it can be easier to repay your liabilities with extra cash gained from a partial consolidation. Or even refinancing high interest credit cards to a personal loan. Consolidating finances can also help ease financial stress by reducing your overall commitments and making it easier to manage your finances. Whatever your position we are here to help, and are dedicated to improving your financial situation.

We consider ourselves refinance & consolidation experts, and are here to help:

  • Assess your existing loans and their suitability to your current situation
  • Compare your loan against the current market, analysing over 5000 loans
  • Calculate any cashflow benefits and potential savings available to you
  • Provide professional advice to ensure you have the best possible loan

We are dedicated to making your mortgage work for you and we will only ever recommend change when it is evident that you will benefit financially.

Belinda Caesar is a Credit Representative No. 479482 of Buyers Choice Licencing Pty Ltd ACN 626 172 281 Australian Credit Licence No. 509484
P: 0401 796 425